Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Castleville Game Mastery Recipe Reduced Quests Guide

Castleville Game Mastery Recipe Reduced Quests Guide

Castleville Game Quests Mastery Guide your favorite Recipes Quests just got easier! Reaching that final Mastery Level and gaining a special reward with each craft time, now requires fewer crafts. Level 3 Mastery on all items has been reduced from 250 crafts, to only 100 crafts!

Castleville Game Quests Mastery Guide

Amount of Crafts Required to Reach Each Mastery Level

Level 1 = 10

Level 2 = 30

Level 3 = 100

Castleville Game FAQ Guide

Q: Why are my Level 3 Recipes showing an odd number, and that I only have Level 2 Mastery instead of 3?

castleville game mastery recipe quests guide

A: If you have already mastered recipes to Level 3, the amount of crafts required will appear reduced, while your craft amounts the same as before. This difference can be fixed after crafting the recipe 1 more time, as shown below.
castleville game mastery recipe reduced quests guide

castleville game mastery recipe level 3 quests guide

Castleville Game Art Faire Party Guide

Castleville Game Art Faire Party Guide

castleville game giovanni faire party quests guide

Why only have seasonal parties when you can celebrate all year long And that's exactly what you can now do in CastleVille! Check out the guide below and get started earning some awesome prizes whenever you like!

Getting the Castleville Game Party Started!

Once you've created a Pavilion (found under the Buildings section in the Market), you'll have access to Prizes and Parties that you can craft!

castleville game giovanni pavilion guide

Gather the Materials needed and craft the Puppet Booth Party.

castleville game giovanni puppet booth pavilion recipe quests guide

Once you've collected the Party from the Pavilion and placed it in your Kingdom, you'll be able to inform all your Neighbors to visit! The more Neighbors that visit your Kingdom during a Party, the better rewards you'll receive.

castleville game giovanni art faire party quests guide

The Art Faire Party lasts for 2 days, but you can collect your rewards sooner if 20 of your Neighbors visit before then.

castleville game art faire party guide

The more Neighbor visits you receive, the bigger Cake you'll receive! After you receive 20 visits, or the 2 days expires, you'll be able to collect from the Party by clicking on it and use your Prize from the Consumables section of your Inventory.

castleville game giovanni art faire party

Party Favor Crafting Materials

Paint Brush - Get this item from attending Neighbors' Art Faire Parties

castleville game paint brush

Etching - Get this item from attending Neighbors' Art Faire Parties

castleville game etching

Marble Block - Get this item from attending Neighbors' Art Faires Parties

castleville game marble block

Muse Whisper - Get this item from attending Neighbors' Art Faire Parties and crafting in the Pavilion

castleville game muse whisper

Art Faire Craftable Items & Prizes

Craft these awesome prizes whenever you like!

castleville game giovanni art party quests guide

castleville game giovanni recipe

castleville game stained glass fence guide

castleville game gargoyle statue mysterious potion

Castleville Game FAQ Guide

Q: How long will I have to craft the Art Faire Items?
A: These items are permanent and are craftable whenever you like!

Q: My Party Disappeared before the 2 days expired, why is that?
A: Each Party gives you 2 days to get 20 Neighbor Visits in your Kingdom to collect the grand prize. If 20 of your Neighbors visit you before that time limit, you can collect your prize immediately by clicking on the Party.

Q: My Party finished and I collected the Cake, but where did it go?
A: The Cakes Prizes are stored under the Consumables section of your Inventory.

Q: I clicked on the Cake Prize but didn't get anything, why not?
A: Once you click to open up the Prize in the Consumables Inventory, the rewards will be dropped around your avatar.

Castleville Game Giovanni Duke Renaissance Man Quests Guide

Castleville Game Giovanni Duke Renaissance Man Quests Guide

Castleville Game Giovanni Duke Renaissance Man Quests Guide

Castleville Giovanni Crazy hair and a short attention span character, Castle Ville Giovanni's here to teach you some awesome new recipes and how to master your current Studio recipes.

Quest Title: Underground ( Renaissance Man Quests 1 of 10 )
Place the Thumper in your Kingdom (found under the Decor section of your Inventory)
Move 2 items
Visit 1 Neighbor
Rewards: 1,000 Coins, 20 XP

Castleville Game Giovanni Umderground Renaissance Man Quests Guide

Quest Title: Emergence ( Renaissance Man Quests 2 of 10 )
Click the Thumper to activate it
Offer any help that you can for the underground traveler
Rewards: 1,000 Coins, 20 XP

Castleville Game Giovanni Emergene Quests Guide

Quest Title: Art Vs Gloom ( Renaissance Man Quests 3 of 10 )
Craft 2 Ice Creams (crafted in the Kitchen)
Have 1 Studio in your Kingdom
Have 3 Fish Fingers and Custard (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
Rewards: 1,000 Coins, 20 XP

Castleville Game Giovanni Duke Art Gloom Quests Guide

Quest Title: Grub Hunt! ( Renaissance Man Quests 4 of 10 )
Build Giovanni's House
Craft 3 Green Fairy Elixirs in the Studio
Clear 5 Dead Logs (found under the Nature section in the Market)
Rewards: 1,750 Coins, 35 XP, Giovanni's Easel (found under the Decor section of the Inventory)

Castleville Game Giovanni Grub Hunt Renaissance Man Quests Guide

Castleville Game Giovanni House Construction Renaissance Man Quests Guide

Quest Title: Design, Style and Grace ( Renaissance Man Quests 5 of 10 )
Craft 3 more Green Fairy Elixirs
Use 3 Hypercrafts
Purchase and construct the Glassblower (found under the Buildings section of the Market)
Rewards: 1,750 Coins, 35 XP, 1 Astrolabe (found under the Decor section of the Inventory)

Castleville Game Giovanni Design Style Grace Quests Guide

Castleville Game Giovanni Duke Glassblower Construction Quests Guide

Quest Title: Tinkerer's Block ( Renaissance Man Quests 6 of 10 )
Have 6 Pieces of Sheet Music (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
Craft enough Green Fairy Elixir to reach Mastery Level 1 (reach Level 1 Mastery by crafting a recipe 10 times)
Collect from Logging Camps 2 times in your Kingdom
Rewards: 1,500 Coins, 30 XP, 3 Dead Logs (stored under the Nature section of your Inventory)

Castleville Game Giovanni Tinkerers Block Quests Guide

Quest Title: A Thief and the Knight ( Renaissance Man Quests 7 of 10 )
Banish 2 Gloom Thieves
Collect taxes from 12 Houses in your Kingdom
Have 3 Collection Boxes (crafted in the Workshop or purchased under the Consumables section of the Market)
Rewards: 1,500 Coins, 30 XP, 1 Tinkerer's Table (stored under the Decor section of your Inventory)

Castleville Game Giovanni Thief Knight Quests Guide

Quest Title: Idea Man ( Renaissance Man Quests 8 of 10 )
Have 6 Thick Books (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
Spend 80,000 Coins
Water 7 Saplings (purchased under the Nature section of the Market)
Rewards: 1,750 Coins, 35 XP

Castleville Game Giovanni Duke Idea Man Renaissance Man Quests Guide

Quest Title: Fish Gazer ( Renaissance Man Quests 9 of 10 )
Go Fishing in your Kingdom 3 times
Craft 1 Infinity Fish Bowl (crafted in the Studio)
Tend 2 Flowers in a Neighbor's Kingdom
Rewards: 3.250 Coins, 65 XP
Castleville Game Giovanni Duke Fish Gazer Quests Guide

Quest Title: Grand Design ( Renaissance Man Quests 10 of 10 )
Reach Mastery Level 1 for 3 more Studio recipes
Have 2 Studios in your Kingdom
Spend 42 Reputation Points
Rewards: 3.250 Coins, 65 XP, 1 Confounding Contraption (found under the Decor section of your Inventory)

Castleville Game Giovanni Grand Design Quests Guide

Castleville Game FAQ Guide

Q: I have crafted several Green Elixirs but am not getting a check for the Tinkerer's Block objective, why not?
A: For this objective, you'll need to master the Green Fairy Elixir up to Level 1. Show Giovanni that you're a master tinkerer and craft this recipe 10 times to reach Level 1 Mastery. Keep crafting to get special perks on this recipe!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Castleville Game Duke When Dukes Cry Quests Guide

Castleville Game Duke When Dukes Cry Quests Guide

castleville game duke when dukes cry quests guide


Castleville Game Duke has lost his puppy named Prince, and you have to help find him.
Castleville game when dukes cry quests is available after completing Kathleen’s Puppy Love Quest and must be level 18 or above.

Quest Title: The Lost Prince ( When Dukes Cry Quests 1 of 5 )
Tend the Duke’s Butcher
Collect 5 Meat from Tending Pigs
Have 5 Cowhides
Rewards: 2000 Coins, 40 XP

Quest Title: Somewhere Here on Earth ( When Dukes Cry Quests 2 of 5 )
Collect 2 Animal Bones
Have 5 Swamp Boots
Perform 5 Actions in the Duke’s Kingdom
Rewards: 2500 Coins, 50 XP

Quest Title: Playtime’s Over ( When Dukes Cry Quests 3 of 5 )
Tend 5 Grass and Bushes in Duke’s Kingdom
Gather 20 Wool
Craft 1 Chew Toy
Rewards:  2500 Coins, 50 XP

Quest Title: Lost Dog ( When Dukes Cry Quests 4 of 5 )
Craft 6 Parchment
Craft 8 Bottles of Ink
Visit 10 Neighbours
Rewards:  3250 Coins, 65 XP

Quest Title: The Return of Prince ( When Dukes Cry Quests 5 of 5 )
Visit the Duke
Rewards:  2000 Coins, 65 XP, 1 German Shepherd Puppy

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Castleville Game Kathleen Pets and Treasure Hunting Guide

Castleville Game Kathleen Pets and Treasure Hunting Guide

Treasure. Treasure everywhere! But before you can get started on finding it, you'll need some help from your furry companion. Let's get started with raising your new puppy!

Adopting A Puppy!

The first step in adopting a new Pet is to build a Regal Kennel (found under the Buildings section of the Market)

castleville game kathleen regal kennel

castleville game kathleen regal kennel construction

 Next, adopt a Puppy by clicking on the new Pets tab in the Market and select your new friend. (In order to exchange or select a new Pet, click on the Regal Kennel and then click "Check In" to store your currently-selected Puppy, or click "Select" to choose a different one)

castleville game puppy love kathleen pets quests

castleville game kathleen yellow lab puppy poodle

Name your new puppy something cute and awesome!

castleville game customize kathleen pet

 Treasure Hunting!

There are numerous new items that can be crafted, but require special Materials found only from Treasure Hunting. In order to Treasure Hunt, we'll need to make sure your new Puppy is happy and up to the task. Fill up your Puppy's Happiness Meter by playing with her.

castleville game kathleen quests guide

 In order to fill this meter and make your doggy happy, you'll need to play with her. Click on her to bring up the menu below.

castleville game kathleen puppy help guide

 Give your puppy a Ball and click on her each time to raise her Happiness Meter. Once it's full, she'll search your Kingdom for hidden Treasure! Or, you can instantly raise her Happiness Meter by giving her a Chew Toy (crafted in the Studio).

castleville game kathleen puppy hunt guide quests

 Crafting Pet Prizes

Now that you've got a professional Treasure hunter, you'll be able to start crafting all sorts of fantastic new prizes! To see the list of Pet Prizes, click on the Regal Kennel to see the menu below.

castleville game kathleen regal kennel quests guide

Clicking on the Pet Prizes button in the Regal Kennel (shown above), will bring up a menu showing the new Prizes. Each special Prize contains a Material that can be found from Treasure Hunting. Click on the Go to Crafting button to begin.


Prizes Crafting Materials Guide




Castleville Game FAQ Guide

Q: How do I go on a treasure hunt with my puppy?
A: Once your raise your Dog's Happiness Meter, you'll be able to find Treasure! Do this by playing with your dog, or giving her a Chew Toy.

Q: How do I play with my Puppy?
A: Clicking on your Puppy should bring up a window where you can give her a Ball. Once you give your Pet a Ball, play with your Pet by clicking on her.

Q: How do I store my puppy in the Kennel?
A: Click on the Regal Kennel and on the click "Check In" button to store your currently-selected Puppy. Click "Select" to choose a different one.

Q: Where can I find a list of all the special Pet Prizes to craft?
A: You can find this by clicking on the Regal Kennel and then where it says Pet Prizes beneath the Pet that is currently selected. (Note: you will need to adopt a Pet, and have placed in your Kingdom to see the the Prizes.)

Q: How do I rename my Puppy?
A: Just click on the Regal Kennel, and then on your pet's name above its picture. If you have multiple Pets, click on the select button in order to choose the one you want to rename.

Castleville Game Kathleen Puppy Love Quests Guide

Castleville Game Kathleen Puppy Love Quests Guide

castleville game kathleen puppy love quests guide

Castleville Kathleen has puppys and kittens to share with everyone, Castleville game Kathleen shows a warm welcome.
Give your puppy a treat , Castleville  dog toy, it will make your castle ville puppy so happy.

Quest Title: A Warm Welcome ( Puppy Love Quests 1 of 8 )
Chop 5 Trees in your Kingdom
Fish 1 times in your Kingdom
Plant 5 Carrots
Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP

castleville game kathleen warm welcome puppy love quests guide

Quest Title: Puppy Proving ( Puppy Love Quests 2 of 8 )
Feed 3 animals in your kingdom
Banish 1 Gloom Wolf
Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP

castleville game kathleen puppy proving quests guide

Quest Title: Puppy Proofing ( Puppy Love Quests 3 of 8 )
Clear 4 Grass in your Kingdom
Have 1 Animal Bones
Have 1 Parchment
Rewards: 1500 Coins, 30 XP

castleville game kathleen puppy proofing puppy love quests guide

Quest Title: Food and Shelter ( Puppy Love Quests 4 of 8 )
Buy a Regal Kennel
Buy 1 Large Trough
Have 2 Chicken Meat
Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP

castleville game kathleen food shelter puppy love quests guide

Quest Title: Adoption Day ( Puppy Love Quests 5 of 8 )
Complete construction of the Regal Kennel
Adopt a Puppy at the Market
Find a Toy to Play with your Puppy
Rewards: 1500 Coins, 30 XP

Quest Title: Play Time ( Puppy Love Quests 6 of 8 )
Tend flowers & plants and clear grass to find the toy your puppy wants
Visit 6 Neighbors
Get 6 Dry Biscuits
Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP

Quest Title: Digging Around ( Puppy Love Quests 7 of 8 )
Give your Puppy a Chew Toy
Have a Treasure Hunt with your Puppy
Craft 2 More Chew Toys
Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP

Quest Title: Prize Puppy ( Puppy Love Quests 8 of 8 )
Click on the Regal Kennel to learn more about your puppy.
Go on another Treasure Hunt with your puppy
Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP

Castleville Game FAQ Guide

Q: How do I go on a treasure hunt with my puppy?
A: Once your raise your Dog's Happiness Meter, you'll be able to find Treasure! Do this by playing with your dog, or giving her a Chew Toy.

Q: How do I play with my Puppy?
A: Clicking on your Puppy should bring up a window where you can give her a Ball. Once you give your Pet a Ball, play with your Pet by clicking on her.

Q: How do I store my puppy in the Kennel?
A: Click on the Regal Kennel and on the click "Check In" button to store your currently-selected Puppy. Click "Select" to choose a different one.

Q: I've lost sight of my Puppy, where did she go?
A: If your Puppy has gone missing, you can try moving your Avatar to a new location. She's sure to show up then. If not, another good place to check is the Regal Kennel to see if she was stored there.

Q: How can I tell if my Puppy is "happy?"
A: Once her Happiness Meter is filled up, an icon above her head will appear. Clicking on your doggy will then cause her to begin searching for treasure.